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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Box and the Giants

The Box and the Giants

     I recently went on a trip to Italy. My wife and I saw incredibly beautiful places and I was able to spend some time with the Lord. One night in particular, in a place called Cinque Terre, I had an eye-opening conversation with God. He showed me a couple of things that I feel really apply to us as worshipers, worship leaders and believers. 
    The first thing He showed me was a box and He began to take me through what it meant. He told me that the small box I was looking at, was very much how I view myself. I had forced myself into something so small and, at the same time, had put other people in this same type of constraint. I was labeling myself and others by only what we do, as if glancing at the cover but not reading the entire book. We put labels on people saying “he is the worship leader”, “that guy is our guitar player”, “that’s the funny guy”, or “she’s the good girl” and that about sums up who he/she is. 
      While these aspects of people are amazing and true, I believe that God wants us to see more. To look deeper in ourselves and in others and to see past the cover. It’s been said that we shouldn't put God in a box. I would say along with that, “Don’t put yourself in a box” because He has made you with limitless potential. We are going through life strolling from one place to another while God is encouraging us to not only run but to fly. God has put this potential in all of us because He defines us by more than what we do. We are defined by Christ, as His children and carriers of His presence. It truly unlocks a deeper level of existence when we view ourselves this way. Something I’ve learned about people is how incredibly deep every individual is if we can just see past the image, past the judgment and the stereotype. People are incredible. Why do we put constraints on ourselves when we have this spiritual authority?Sometimes I ask myself: “Why am I so afraid?” Even in worship, why is there a fear to react when the Holy Spirit is speaking? Why should we be afraid to lead with power? A power that is in all of us. 
We may look at ourselves as insignificant or irrelevant,but yet spiritually we are giants. For us as worship leaders, it’s a joy to be able to see the people we serve with and to call out strengths and challenge one another; to encourage what we see in them, and what God sees in them.  
So here’s my challenge to you: step out of that box, encourage others to step out as well and let’s see each other for who we actually are: GIANTS. 

If we think about our moments in between,
If we talk about the power of unseens,
If we would block the lies of image and shame,
If we would rise above the pointless game, 
If we would know the pureness of our heart,
If we would trust the Blood has done its part, 
We would be Giants.  

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